NEW BOOK RELEASE - Order your copy today!
Spirit Fuel Volume 1: 43 Prophetic Writings Of Hope And Healing by 12 Authors
“Here is a rich, deep, wonderful collection of rhema words, a deep refreshing well that will encourage you, refresh you, rejuvenate you and breathe fresh hope into you again for all God is doing!!!! Happy feasting and meditating on these revelatory treasures.”
-Lana Vawser
Lana Vawser Ministries
“The prophetic voice is a gift to the body of Christ and Spirit Fuel Volume 1, is a gift you’ll want to open again and again.”
-Wendy Griffith
Co-Host 700 Club
Authors included
in this book: Alane Haynes, Bill Yount, Angie Stolba, Michelle Holderman, Ryan Johnson, Edie Bayer, Jo Ellen Stevens, Vincent Viozzi, Sylvia Neusch, Dawn Hill, Jamila Jordan Moody, and Dana Jarvis.
God is supernaturally moving throughout the earth today, but He does nothing unless He reveals it to His prophets first. This is your opportunity to read some of the
prophetic words the Lord is releasing in this hour, all in the same volume.