From The Mountain In The Morning
Enjoy these nuggets from the Mountain:
* I'm not using grace to sin, I'm using grace to win!
* As a Believer, don't expect to fit in too tightly down here, for your perfect fit is heaven.
* There's nothing worse than being right with a wrong spirit. "Renew a right spirit within me." Psalm 51:10.
* "Lord, I bless that person who hurt me." Then a chuckle came out of me. I said, "Lord, what was that about? He said, "When you bless your enemy, you are blessing yourself."
* All warfare is, is the devil trying to take our eyes off of Jesus.
* Our brokenness and imperfections actually attract Jesus to us. That's why He came.
* The wisdom we often need is common sense.
* I said, "Lord, what are you doing in our government?" He said, "What I am doing is in My remnant."
* Your delay is marinating you.
* At times I've trusted in fasting more than in Jesus and got nothing. Other times simply trusting Him and eating has done wonders.