2020: "I Got This, Trust Me!"
Dear Friends,
Have A Healthy New Year! "For I will restore health to you, and your wounds I will heal," declares the Lord. Jeremiah 30:17 (ESV)
* I sense the Lord saying, "What may trouble you this year, won't trouble Me. I got this, trust Me!"
* Fasting Alert: I once heard the enemy scream during a fast, "His fasting is driving me crazy!" Now I love to fast.
* The enemy whispered, "You are fasting but your spirit is wrong." I responded, "I'm going to fast until I get a right one."
* I believe when God heals us there's a footnote attached: "Eat healthier and exercise to keep your healing."
* Trying to keep God's law will kill you. Believing Jesus nailed it to the cross will save you.
* Our brokenness and imperfections actually attract Jesus to us. That's why He came.
* Prayer without thanksgiving is like trying to mail a letter with no stamp.
* We grieve the Holy Spirit when we fall into sin. But He grieves more when we don't get back up. Get back up!
* 70 years have taught me that the Lord is gracious and SL-O-O-O-O-OW to anger. Psalm 103:8 (NIV)
* I have learned when I battle intimidation is when the enemy is actually terrified of me. I've learned to flip it.
* Your testimony comes out of the rapids, not the smooth river.
* As families began praying together, I heard the heart of America begin to beat again! The family is the core of a nation.
*** A special book offer at the bottom of this page.