When I was a child, my father drank heavily at times for years, and I felt like I could never please him. My father received Jesus later and went to be with Him many years ago. One of the last times I saw him in the hospital, I left his bedside and was walking toward the door when I heard my father say, "Bless you, Bill." It was as though everything within me was waiting my whole life to hear those words from my father. I literally felt something in the Spirit
break off of me from my head to my toes, and I have never been the same since. I know a mother's love and prayers for her children are powerful, but nothing on earth can ever take the place of a father saying to his children, "I love you! And I bless you!"
"This is My Beloved Son, in Whom I Am Well Pleased!"
When I watched "The Passion of The Christ" movie, it left me wondering how Jesus made it through everything. The Bible clearly tells us that power infused Him before His ministry even started. He came up out of the Jordan River, and the Heavens opened over Him. It must have been astoundingly important for the Heavens to open that day. As the Heavens opened, He heard the voice of His Father saying: "This is My beloved Son in whom I am well pleased!" Matthew
After hearing these few short words, nothing in this world ever stopped Jesus from fulfilling His purpose and destiny. The wilderness test could not touch Him. The devil comes at the end of the testing and says, "If you are really the Son of God...." In other words, the devil was thinking, "I sure hope you don't remember what your Father spoke to you about how crazy He is over you, if you do, I don't stand a chance of stopping you!" Jesus paraphrasing said,
"Devil, you may as well get behind Me...I know My Daddy loves Me!"
Joseph Knew A Family Secret
Joseph was Daddy's favorite from the start, and it got him into trouble. I now know what got him through his experience in the pit, the prison, and into the palace. He not only knew God was with him, but he knew a family secret..."My daddy loves me!" When you inherit a father's love for you, it gets way down inside of your bones and marrow. In Genesis 50:25, Joseph told his family, "When you come up out of Egypt, take my bones with you." There was still
something precious in the bones of Joseph. Guess what it was?..."My Daddy loves me!"
It's Never Too Late to Receive an Earthly Father's Blessing!
I sense many reading this have been raised with an earthly father who loved you, but somehow failed to communicate his love and affirmation to you. You have grown up, but there is still an unanswered cry coming up out of you... "Daddy, where are you?"
Being an earthly father of three children and a man of God through the blood of Christ, I would like to pray right now over you to release an "earthly father's blessing" upon your life. By faith, I am going to stand in proxy (in the place of your earthly father), and lay my hand upon your head and speak an earthly father's blessing. Listen carefully for many of you have never heard these words before...
"I love you! You are so special! You were born to shake the world! There is nothing you cannot do. I am so proud of you! You are my beloved son, in whom I am well pleased! You are my beloved daughter...You are daddy's favorite little girl in all the world! I love you. I bless you coming in and going out. I bless you in the market place, in the city, and in the field. I bless your wallets and purses, that they will never know what lack is. I bless the fruit of
your loins and your children's children.
In Jesus Name, we break that generational curse of an orphan spirit off of you and your family that tells you, you don't belong, and those yet to be born, that they will be born crying..."My daddy loves me!" I cancel every negative curse words ever spoken against you in Jesus Name. I bless you with an earthly father's blessing that cancels those curses. As the Father has sent me, so I send you into your purpose and destiny. And nothing will stop you now. You
will go the distance to finish what God has called you to. I bless you and I love you...I love you. And I bless you with an earthly father's blessing!"
Now may the heavens open over you to receive the perfect love from the only perfect father."
Tell someone..."My daddy loves me!"