As You Rest In Me, I Will Arrest Your Loved Ones
I sense the Lord saying, "As My people this hour come to Me and find REST they will also find REST-ORATION taking place in their households."
"Noah means 'rest.' As Noah rested in Me, I worked through him to build the ark and into the ark of safety I brought his whole family. Many of My people are restless and are 'rocking the boat' in their own households causing family members to look elsewhere for security and peace. But as My people begin resting in My love for them they will discover that 'rest' will be contagious."
First Noah had rest. Then Noah's whole family found rest in the ark. Then even the animals were drawn and found a resting place. Listen, "If the animals got in the ark, your family can make it in!"
When the flood came, the ark rested itself upon the flood waters. When the waters receded, the ark "rested" on Mt. Ararat. The remains of the ark are still resting there today! The Lord is saying, "Resting in My love for you will become the drawing power to draw your household to Me."
"REST" must come before "RESTORATION!" Restoration begins with R-E-S-T
REST also brings REVELATION. "As My people rest in Me, revelation will break forth upon them giving light to all that are in the House. I will reveal Myself to them."
The Lord is saying to us. "As you rest - I will work. As you rest - I will arrest your loved ones by the Holy Ghost and bring them in. You cannot save them. You could not save yourself. I saved you! Let Me be their Savior too and don't try to help Me out."
I sense God is about to make personal house calls. He's coming in 3-D Technicolor straight to your house. Angels are being assigned to set up camp round about your dwelling place and wherever your children and grandchildren are living. I sense the Father proclaiming, "No more hiding place!" There is a rest to them that believe and that rest has generational blessings. "Believe On The Lord Jesus Christ And Thou Shalt Be Save And Thy House!" Acts 16:31
(KJV) Only believe.
Houses will be turned into homes. Let's enter into God's rest so He can bring the rest of our household in.
Don't rock the boat!