"It's Party Time - Thrust Ye in the Sickle!"
In the Spirit, I saw Heaven full of harvest sickles that were destined to
be used by the angels, to be thrust into the earth for a sudden reaping
of final harvest. What appeared to be the largest
harvest sickle in heaven captivated the angels' attention as the Father decreed: "With one thrust
of this sickle whole households will be brought into My Kingdom! Pick it
up! There will be a 'thrusting' for those who are 'trusting' Me for their
entire households!"
Right before
the order to thrust this sickle into households, it appeared
that all hell was coming against these families upon the earth - sickness, bondage and relationships that seemed impossible to ever be reconciled.
But these were the families heaven was about to break loose upon. If
full blown attacks are coming against your
household, you are right on schedule. Keep trusting for the thrusting!
I sensed the Father saying, "Before I return to the earth, you will literally see whole household salvation taking place. Mega churches have not
been built large enough just for the household harvest that's about to
come in! Have you noticed how many
cities are building bigger stadiums this hour? Do you know why? It's not for sports. I started with Promise Keepers drawing men into stadiums to awaken them to their wives. But now I am going to awaken whole families that will need larger facilities
to worship Me in."
Recently I was traveling with a prayer partner as we were driving past a housing development. I said to him, "Why are so many people building huge houses these days when only the husband and wife are living
there? It doesn't make sense."
But I heard the Father say, "Bill, their families are coming home! Their children whom they haven't heard from
or seen in years are about to
come up the driveway. These houses were built for these last day family get-togethers who will experience church right in their homes. They will need a big house for some big parties - just for the prodigals that are on their way home!"
I saw angels descending with yellow gold ribbons, decorating the trees
in the front yards of houses. Angels, who throw parties when the lost get rescued, were descending upon rooftops declaring, "It's party time! -
Thrust ye in the sickle!"
"By faith Noah, being warned of God of things not seen as yet, moved
with fear, prepared an ark to the saving of his
house; by the which he condemned the world, and became heir of the righteousness which is
by faith." Hebrews 11:7 (KJV)
Dear Friends,
I am in a
season of letting go of good things that may not be of God to produce lasting fruit. These weekly emails may be one of them.