Concerning Our Nation: "I'm Pulling Out All the Stops!"
He then spoke an unusual prayer alert at this time: "Out of the mouth of babes and
sucklings hast thou ordained strength because of thine enemies, that thou mightest still the enemy and the avenger." Psalm 8:2
I heard the Lord say, "Ask your children and grandchildren to pray for your nation, no matter how young they are. Do not put a limit on their age." I then thought, perhaps the younger they are the more prayer power they have, for children only believe. The Lord knows a pure innocent child-like faith is needed
for this nation at this time.
Many years ago I saw the initials of the city of "D.C." lighting up, standing for "DEAR CHILDREN!" The Lord spoke, "Children will be used as a powerful weapon to help take this city. A child shall lead them to over take it!"
I didn't know then how children would be used until the Lord reminded me today. I believe this is the time for whole
families, which includes our children and grandchildren to rise up in prayer. Again, do not put a limit on their age.