"He Runs As One Who Has Faced Death!"
Greater than the Steeler's 52 - 21 recent victory over the Carolina Panthers, what I remembered the next morning were the powerful
of the sports announcer, as James Conner, a star player, scored a touch down. "He runs as one who has faced death!" Over the years James did battle cancer and survived. I just read about his battles growing up with
his crazy brothers, giving him such a hard life, as they kept beating up on him just for fun.. After 15 years, they finally told their mother, they once thought they killed James. You
would call that brotherly abuse today.
They even stuffed him in a dryer when he was young and turned it on. They turned it off between 10 - 15 seconds.
All this to say, perhaps our troubles are preparing us for something far greater. We need to run this race of life as one who has faced death and thank God for what didn't kill us. No wonder the Apostle Paul called his great afflictions
'light' compared to the glory that was being revealed in God's Super Bowl Kingdom.
I feel like preaching this morning.
"I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us." Romans 8:18 (NIV)