I Heard the Lord Say, "Unwrap Your Enemies for Christmas!"
I was offended by someone recently. I knew what I should do, but I had no power to do it. I know all the Scriptures on forgiveness and blessing our enemies, and that even made it worse. While I was in my car the other day, the Lord spoke, "Bill, if you will bless your enemy, I will bless you." Suddenly, those words took my focus off of that person who hurt me back to the Lord and an overwhelming desire to be blessed myself. Oh, how I wanted and needed
God to bless me.
Immediately, the hurt began to heal as it dawned on me that when we do what God tells us to do, He blesses us. Obedience brings the blessing of the Lord and adds no sorrow with it.
Each time the hurt comes back, I say, "No, I want that kind of blessing that saves and heals and satisfies my soul." In 24 hours, a blessing came that
I cannot tell you about right now. It is overwhelming to me.
How I needed this word for myself at this time. How about you? Do you have any enemies that you need to unwrap? I think we all have some unwrapping to do before Christmas.
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