A 'Barnyard Anointing' Will Bring in The Harvest
I hear birds singing, cows mooing, horses neighing, donkeys hee-hawing, roosters crowing, dogs barking, chickens cackling and bells ringing. I hear farm animals praising the Lord. They know it's harvest time. We better worship 'til the cows come home.
You gotta love the Barn if you want to see a Harvest. You gotta love people who act like animals if you want a Harvest. You gotta love even yourself if you wanna see God move. Remember you and I are included
in the harvest that God is bringing in.
You gotta love horses because we as His Bride are going to ride
some wild ones. And it's time to get back on the broncos and bulls
that threw us off. We better love donkeys because the Lord is going to
use them again to ride upon into cities and the nations of the earth.
Get used to the smell of manure if you want a harvest. The number
one fertilizer that helps us and everything else grow is manure. It's Harvest Perfume. It's the perfume of harvest. Turn to someone near you and tell them, "I have a whole lot of fertilizer around me and something good is about to happen!"
Don't Be Afraid to Get Your Hands Dirty in This Harvest
A 'barnyard anointing' will get your hands dirty. I saw the hand of the Lord reaching down and scraping the bottom of an old barrel. The bottom was filthy and slimy. That's where He focused on reaching. I don't know about you but He got his hands dirty when He reached way down for me. I was lost and undone without God and His Son, when He reached way down for me.
The Lord is coming to set our harvest fields on fire. The fire of God will be seen in your own back yard and afar off. We will discover the true fire is in the Harvest. We will catch on fire as souls get born again. It's the fire in the harvest fields that will ignite the body of Christ again.