Look At The Bigger Picture, And Don't Be Overwhelmed
These were the words spoken by my family doctor recently, as I faced a stormy report with my blood work. He said, "Don't be overwhelmed about this. Look at the bigger picture. You are in good health. Your EKG is excellent, prostate, kidney, liver, and cholesterol are all good. We just need to find out what is causing this anemia." As he spoke, this scripture came to mind. "There are more for you than there are against you." 2 Kings
6:16 ( paraphrased )
The other morning while waking, I said, "Lord, would you show me a sign for good about this report?" Just hours later a sister in the Lord who I haven't communicated with for many years sent me this vision.
"Precious Bill: While worshipping a little after 9am this morning I had a vision of you worshipping, too. The Holy Spirit in the form of a Dove came upon you. Then it changed into a butterfly. After that I saw this eagle appear with U.S.A. inscribed on it's chest and he started feeding you! I heard "Warrior Spirit." I'm submitting this to you for testing. But I felt it was something good."
Hours later returning from picking up another blood report while stopping at a stop sign, I saw a huge bird flying high, then it came lower circling over my car. I hadn't seen an eagle in our area for a couple of years, but there it was. I sat there and watched it since there was no traffic behind me. It kept circling right over me for several minutes as though it wanted to tell me something. I know what it was
saying, "I came to feed you!" It was that eagle in the vision just hours ago.
It's so important in this time of spiritual warfare that we hear the Lord for one another. There are times the warfare is so loud we are unable to think and remember what God has already brought us through.
I saw a hematologist a few weeks ago and he said to keep taking my liquid iron supplement and he will see me in a month with some blood work to see how things look then. Please pray. I am looking forward to the Lord continuing to build my resume of His accomplishments. I have a great track record of God's faithfulness keeping me alive and a whole lot going for me, since healing runs in my
Sometimes we just need to chill out and trust God for our lives, and see the bigger picture... we are under His wings.
*** Health Update From Under His Wings: The last couple of weeks I have had several tests to try to find where I am losing blood: a colonoscopy, endoscopy, upper GI and lower intestines test. I never realized how many body parts I have until now. On the upper GI test the report read: Iron deficiency anemia... Paraesophageal hernia. It's a hernia that
when you eat, part of the stomach slides up into your esophagus which can be dangerous. The esophagus is the muscular tube that carries food and liquids from your mouth to the stomach.
I am thankful the report wasn't worse. Since it's a large hernia I will be having surgery in the near future...unless His wings drop oil into my paraesophageal hernia. "For with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 (NIV)