I'm Putting Steel In Your Backbone!
I sense this phrase is for many today. "Don't play it safe! Dive in where it's over your head. Err on the side of adventure." I believe this has to do with advancing God's kingdom on earth. Jesus didn't play it safe. After Pentecost the disciples never played it safe. When persecuted they didn't pray for safety, they prayed for boldness.
The times in my life when the Lord somehow used me more, was when I didn't play it safe. I jumped in without thinking it through. I wasn't sure what I was doing. I had a couple confirmations, but didn't wait for three hundred. Some people thought I was crazy. Here's crazy talking to you. When you play it safe you get bored. I know what that's like.
Go ahead... jump! Err on the side of adventure. I'm putting steel in your backbone!
"The master was furious. 'That's a terrible way to live! It's criminal to live cautiously like that!" Matthew 25:26-27 (KJV)
Sparks Of Hot Steel Are Shouting...
* "I'm putting Steel in the backbone of America!" - Jesus
* "But if this movement is of God, you won't be able to stop it. And you might discover that you were fighting God all along." Acts 5:39 (TPT)
* "I'm in My Oval Office and you're going to be ok."
*** Health Update:
No Surgery Is Needed At This Time! (concerning the Hiatal
With all the tests recently to search for the cause of anemia: a colonoscopy, endoscopy, upper GI and lower bowel xrays, a Cat scan, a pillcam swallow that took 50,000 images in my small intestines, an xray to prove it's still not in me taking pictures. I said, "Lord, why so many tests?" He said, "I wanted to prove how healthy you are."
Drinking liquid iron seems to be the healing balm of Gilead for me, and of course your prayers. Perhaps our trials come to prove how well we are doing.
Ministry Update:
The Way Church Conference - Friday, November 5th at 6pm & Saturday, November 6th at 10am - 2pm and 6pm
Sunday, November 7th 1030am.
345 Main St. Latrobe, Pennsylvania
Contact: Pastor Sean Smith 724-537-6169
* Destiny Christian Church - Sunday, November 14h 10am
2161 Forrest Ave, Dover, Delaware
* Living Faith Chapel - Sunday, November 21st 10am
8770 Possum Hollow Road
Shippensburg, Pennsylvania
Contact: Pastor Eldon Martin (717) 530-1915
**** If you wish to donate to our ministry you can do so below.
or send a check to:
Blowing The Shofar Ministry
132 East North Ave.
Hagerstown, Maryland 21740