It's Time to Nullify the Spirit of Premature Death!
"...According to the greatness of Your power, preserve those who are doomed to die." Psalm 79:11(NASB)
I sense a spirit of premature death has been released from the pit of Hell against life itself. I sense the righteous anger of the One who is the Resurrection and the Life rising up inside of me, decreeing, "It's time to corporately nullify the spirit of 'premature' death in the earth, in the womb and in the Body of Christ at large!"
There Is an Urgent Need to Agree & Decree Corporately
I sense the key in this decree is the word "corporately." I am totally
convinced that the command to love one another, whether we believe it or not, is a serious matter of life and death. It was never an option or just a good idea.
Could our healing be hiding from us because it has been waiting to be released from inside the person we have not forgiven and have not been reconciled to? Could the one person you dislike hold the key to your healing, or are you holding the key to theirs?
Forgive me if I am meddling, but we need to turn over every stone to see where the answers are.
Humble Yourself Under the 'Least of These' - The Results May Surprise You!
Humility is where healing and miracles are created, especially when you humble yourself under someone who you think is less important than you. Eighteen years ago, when I had an attack against my heart, I had gone home for a visit. Before I left to return from home, I was challenged to ask a relative to keep me in prayer concerning my heart. On the way home, I thought I must be crazy asking that relative to pray for me, because I wasn't sure if they knew how to
pray about this. It was humbling to me at the time and didn't make sense.
A month later, this relative calls me on the phone for the first time ever and shares how she has been diagnosed with a tumor the size of a golf ball on her ovaries. She called my wife and me to ask us to pray over the phone with her. We prayed a simple prayer, and God healed her the next morning at 4 am, as a warm sensation flowed over her from her waist down. The next CAT scan showed no tumor!
God showed me that because I had humbled myself and asked her to pray for me when I needed it, it opened up the door for her to feel comfortable calling and asking for prayer when she needed it. Humility brings the walls down between people so God can move. Her healing set her on fire for the Lord and she has never been the same!
A "Mock" Charge of Fear Has Gone Forth Throughout the Earth
Years ago when I was on foot in Africa on a safari, the leader cautioned us concerning the elephants. When elephants first see you, they may start charging toward you. If you run away from them, they will likely pursue you. But if you stand still, they will stop their charge, turn, and walk away. (I thank God the leader had a rifle on him.) This actually happened to us. We were close to a herd of elephants, and they began to charge toward us. Everything inside
of me wanted to run. But I knew what to do, and that leader was right.
Likewise, I sense a "mock" charge has been released from the enemy this hour, and fear is causing many of us to run instead of face our fears, standing on God's Word. Our Captain of the Lord of the Angel Armies is commanding us, "Fear not!"
Many years ago, I experienced severe chest pains for the first time since my attack 18 years ago. I went to the hospital and was admitted. They kept me overnight and ran all kinds of tests. All the tests came back normal. I felt it was more of a spiritual attack because of the message of forgiveness and reconciliation that I have been ministering lately to the Body of Christ at large. I sensed I was picking up the pain that was breaking God's own heart for His
Answering the Call to Love
Recently, the Lord has been challenging me to just love people. It's not easy for me. Sometimes, I would rather give someone a prophetic word than simply love them; it is so much easier. Even still, the Lord keeps challenging me to just love. Jesus Himself was moved by compassion, and out of that came the miracles and healings that we long for today.
Let's ask Jesus for His greatest gift, the one that lasts forever. Let's ask Him to fill us afresh with His love so He can do what He wants to do through us. Without love we're nothing. When nothing else could lifted me!
Father, in Jesus' name, forgive us of the sin that blocks Your blessings upon our lives. Let us be quick to repent of the sins You show us daily, and let us learn that as soon as we confess our sins and turn from them, although it may be often, there is always a power surge of Your life released inside of us that protects and cleanses and keeps us by Your power.
Decreeing God's Word Over the Earth, in the Womb & Over Our Lives
In Jesus' name, we decree the report of the Lord over the earth that is the Lord's and the people that dwell in it. We speak life into every situation that concerns us. We nullify every assignment of premature death that has been planned by the enemy against us. We decree God's wisdom to doctors, and we bless the medicine, if needed, to make us well.
Your Word tells us that if we eat or drink any deadly thing, it will not harm us. We cancel ill side effects of medicine if we need to take it. We bless our food for our nourishment and ask for Your wisdom to eat what is good for these bodies that belong to You. We unlock the jaws of death and decree resurrection life into the earth, the womb, and the Body of Christ at large.
The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy...but it doesn't say he can do it! We must not let him! John 10:10
Psalm 118:17-18, "I shall not die, but live, and declare the works of the Lord."
Jeremiah 30:17, "'For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,' says the Lord..."
The Holy Ghost recently came upon me in prayer and I found myself praying for people that I didn't want to pray for. It shocked me but I felt a cleansing and healing inside from it. Let the Holy Ghost have His way in our prayer life. He can stop the hands of death through us.
Dear Friends, I just got off the sofa with 11 days of fatigue and hopelessness. Didn't know what it was. Lines were too long to get tested. The only thing that raised me up was listening to anointed worship songs. Covid is a spirit of hopelessness. Others have experienced this also. I had never battled such depression in my life. God did it again and I am still here. "Because He lives, I can face tomorrow. Because He lives, all fear
is gone." - Bill Gaither