Pain Could Be Your Winning Edge In Spreading The Gospel
After studying Apostle Paul's life, it's interesting that he wrote most of the New Testament from a dark prison cell, under much suffering.
I wonder how many potential writers are waiting for that perfect, sunny day to begin writing their story. I've discovered that the best writers have scars across their backs, with trouble on every side.
Your pain could be your winning edge. What are you waiting for? Start writing and make the Son shine again.
Pens Turning into Spears and Swords (excerpt from my book, I Heard Heaven Proclaim)
I saw Gold Pens falling out of Heaven onto the earth as though they were being thrown by the angels like javelins into the hands of unknown people. I saw these pens turning into spears and swords as they fell into these hands. As their fingers began to write; books, songs and poetry were becoming lethal weapons to war against the enemy!
Psalm 144:1 (KJV) was being activated throughout the earth! "Blessed be the Lord my strength, who teacheth my hands to war and my fingers to fight!"
Some writings will ultimately end up in kings' palaces, as well as the prisons and rescue missions of the earth, for kings sit in both places. World leaders will find these divine writings in their laps, delivered by the hands of "dignitary" angels. Some rejected and forgotten artwork will now be adorning the walls of government buildings and the palaces of world leaders! By a divine appointment, one of my books, 'Some Hear Thunder... I Hear A Roar!' is now in
the hands of a Senior Israeli Diplomat.
A book can be picked up by anyone, anywhere. It's always advertising itself. Your pen is now waiting.
---- A stanza of a poem entitled "My Masterpiece," by Robert Service:
"A humdrum way I go to-night,
From all I hoped and dreamed remote;
Too late...a better man must write
That Little Book I Never Wrote."
* Please forward this email to everyone you know who is even thinking about writing or artwork.