William Yount

Weekly emails, prophetic alerts and articles from minister Bill Yount

God Owns the Bragging Rights to Your Children

Published: Tue, 04/16/19

God Owns the Bragging Rights to Your Children Did you know that God is bragging on your children? He's talking them up. He believes in them. They are…

God Already Had Your Funeral

Published: Tue, 04/09/19

God Already Had Your Funeral Remember, as a Believer, you've been crucified with Christ. You were nailed to the Cross with Him. No matter how much…

When Mothers Pray...Hell Trembles!

Published: Tue, 03/26/19

When Mothers Pray...Hell Trembles! I believe the most dangerous person on earth is a praying mother. My mother had such a prayer life, that when us…

The Bullet Missed Me!

Published: Tue, 03/19/19

The Bullet Missed Me! Is this for real? "My brethren, count it all joy when you fall into various trials..." (James 1:2-8). As we were both hit by…

The Stage is Being Set

Published: Tue, 03/12/19

The Stage is Being Set I faced my terror by night, it was afraid of me. And the arrow that flies by day, it missed me. You may wonder what my terror…

We Can No Longer Remain Silent

Published: Wed, 02/20/19

We Can No Longer Remain Silent *** This is a timely word from my friends, Renaid & Ray Almgren, from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Check out their website…

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