Could This Be The "Missing Link" For Our Nation?
Published: Tue, 08/15/23
Dear Friends, The ne t 2 newsletters will focus on what I believe to be one of the "missing links" for the healing of our nation. My recent visit to…
Weekly emails, prophetic alerts and articles from minister Bill Yount
Published: Tue, 08/15/23
Dear Friends, The ne t 2 newsletters will focus on what I believe to be one of the "missing links" for the healing of our nation. My recent visit to…
Published: Tue, 08/08/23
"For He shall give His angels charge over you to keep you in all your ways." Psalm 91:11 (NKJV) Dear Friends,I have often shared how your prayers have…
Published: Tue, 07/25/23
What an honor to be invited to Mayor Tekesha Ann Martinez's office to hear her heart concerning the greater things that are yet to come in our city. I…
Published: Tue, 07/18/23
Don't Count On NumbersDear Friends, Forty-five years in ministry has taught me when I feel like quitting is when the Lord is using me the most, I just…
Published: Tue, 07/04/23
What We Think About Our City Matters To God"For you will soon be bursting at the seams. Your descendants will occupy other nations and resettle the…
Published: Tue, 06/13/23
What's Eating You? I have noticed something about the love of God. God's love is not fair. He even loves our enemies. The Lord showed me as we pray…
Published: Tue, 05/30/23
Dear Friends,Being 74 yrs. old now, I thought I should see my heart specialist since it's been 4 years. Today the EKG, blood pressure, blood test and…
Published: Tue, 05/16/23
Living In Forgiveness Plan now to forgive the ne t person who will offend you, because there will be one. And after that, another one. Plan on living…
Published: Tue, 05/02/23
Drop The Labels!I would like to suggest that we take the labels off of people. I believe it hinders us from seeing them as God sees them. When I first…
Published: Tue, 04/18/23
Impressions From This Fresh Outpouring Dear Friends, Here are some lingering impressions from the Asbury outpouring regarding what God is now doing.